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tea, glorious tea

It is a well known fact that British folks like tea. And Brits from the mighty North of England arguably love drinking tea more than any other Brits. And me, I like drinking tea even more than the average Northener. As a kid, my family would drink tea at the dinner table every night with our meal. We would make a very large tea pot and drink it with tea cups and saucers, milk in a milk jug. Tea was as big as booze throughout my life! I remember back when I worked at JWT London, our team had a tea tray, and we would each take it in turns about 5 times a day to do a run to the tea station at the corner of every floor of the building, to make the five or six mugs of tea ordered by the desk pals, and carry them back to our area. Getting everyone’s order just right was critical: knowing who liked a splash of milks versus juuust a touch. Who had a sweetener and who wanted sugar. One lump or two?

JWT London was also renowned for its in-house bar where my binge drinking really took on a life of it’s own. The Comm was a lunch room / town hall space / bar / late-night drinking den, named after J.Walter Thompson‘s namesake, ‘The Commodore’, who had been in the Marines before finding his way into advertising and establishing his own agency in the late 1800s. On Thursdays, they would have a BOGO on all drinks including bottles of wine and the team I worked with would go crazy for that, many of us getting ridiculously drunk either there on work premises or at one of the squillions of nearby pubs and bars. This is advertising after all, and I definitely wasn’t alone in my lifestyle but it was clear that I was unable to maintain my dignity and slam glasses of blush rosé.

Let’s have fun listing some super embarrassing, shameful drunken antics that happened at The Comms or because of The Comm: cycling home disgustingly drunk and falling off my bike so many times that I was covered in grazes on my knees, elbows and shoulders, going back to my house with my boss where he came on to me and for a minute I let it happen, going back to another co-worker’s house and letting all the things happen, making it home only to find that I have left my keys at work and having to sleep on floor of neighbors house, falling asleep on the Tube on way home and ping ponging all the length and breadth of London only to end up at the wrong end of the line at 1am when the Tube is closing. These were my late twenties and early thirties and they were wild and fun and awful and mortifying and memorable and part of what made me who I am today but thank fuck that phase of my life is over.

Now, enough about JWT London. Here is why I absolutely bloody love tea:

  • Healing powers, raged about for eternity
  • Drinking tea, and I mean lashings of glorious tea, hydrates you immensely
  • Variety of types and flavors caters for all occasions
  • Therapeutic and calming qualities of slowly sipping a hot drink
  • Proven at having lasting impact on your wellness
  • Tea is a major multiplier: hydration + regular bowel movements + clearer skin
  • Drinking tea while watching shows is an excellent booze replacement

Moringa with Spearmint & Sage Tea


  • Tea of your choice (we love Traditional Medicinal’s in our house as they are from Sebastopol, CA, just like the Hubby Hubs
  • Very hot water (we’re talking hotter than the sun)
  • Decent teapot and mug combo


  • Boil water whilst selecting your tea bag. We drink vast quantities of tea and so we often mix it up throughout the night. I might have a mug of builders while we’re watching TV and eating chocolate, but a sleepytime tea when reading in bed. This Traditional Medicinals Moringa with Spearmint and Sage is perfect anytime.
  • Put a teabag in your mug and a teabag or two in your teapot depending on the size. This gives you tea in the bank for later.
  • Steep the tea for the recommended time. For this Moringa with Spearmint and Sage, it recommends 10 minutes, Agonizing! Cover your tea with a saucer while it seeps so you don’t lose any heat.
  • Nobody likes cold tea! Sip slowly while it is hot and enjoy!

2 thoughts on “tea, glorious tea

  1. Ahhh brings it all back! I love this! Go you!! 😍😍😍

  2. Excellent recanting of your Glory years …

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