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In February, I passed my third anniversary of being alcohol-free without barely even mentioning it. I didn’t feel inclined to mark the passing of this important anniversary with fan fare, let alone a new blog article. In fact, I have not felt inclined to post a new blog article for some time. And yet this blog has its own role and benefit of keeping me accountable to journalling my sober journey – and part of that is a fear that, if I do not post, people will think I have royally f’cked up and fallen off the wagon.

In fact, just this week, a good friend of mine sent me some unsolicited guidance and content regarding persevering with sobriety which may have been a subtle way of kindly checking in with me. Thankful for the accountability that comes with being so very open about my sober furious transformation, I wanted to write about how comfortably I have fallen into the routine of my alcohol-free life and how easy my resolution is to this lifestyle.

As I sipped on a Heineken Zero recently, I reflected upon why I am able to drink NA beers and talk openly about journey without worrying that I’ll get tempted to slip. It comes from routine, it comes from having entirely and completely removed alcohol from my life, from my habits, from my consideration. It comes from being absolutely, steadfastly resolute. As Allen Carr teaches, I have made a decision to never drink alcohol and I never question that decision. Having a mindset, a lifestyle and a daily routine that respects and supports that decision all feeds into my strength, my resolution and my power.


Part of the routine is the NA drinks that are on auto-repeat into my grocery cart: Heineken Zero, La Croix, Athletic Brewing, Traditional Medicinal Teas. These drinks have become the corner stone to my lifestyle; when I am at home relaxing with my family, lubricating social situations, pairing well with good food.

It is because of the ease of my wonderful alcohol free life that I am no longer rushing to sample new and different NA variants and brands. However, I want to be aware of how routine can breed complacency and from complacency perhaps comes risk. And so to celebrate my third year of being sober furious, I am going to shake off my routine and try something new and wonderfully named Hollow Leg.

Hollow Leg
noun; an ability or inclination to drink large quantities of alcoholic beverages, especially without evident drunkenness.

Hollow Leg not only has a fantastic, memorable brand name but also a range of remarkable products. They claim that their unique process preserves the mouthfeel, taste, and aroma of the original wine without the need for weird chemicals, added sugar or unusual flavour additives. The wines have everything but alcohol.


On St Patrick’s day, enjoying Sunday Funday with friends, I took a bottle of Hollow Leg Sparkling Rose to drink with brunch. Pancakes, sausages, quiche, salad and huevos rancheros were a phenomenal feast and the Hollow Leg Sparkling Rose paired perfectly. As my friends enjoyed champagne cocktails, my alcohol-free option was a real treat. With origins in Spain, it has a summery aroma with lychee and floral notes that opens up a sparkling and fruity palate with an elegant and refreshing flavour of red apple and yellow plums. 


  • Good friends
  • A celebration
  • Excellent non-alcoholic sparkling wine


  • Chill to 6-8C (42-46F)
  • Serve in champagne flutes
  • Enjoy with brunch or lunch
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