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monday, monday

The idea of giving up drinking can be crippling. Is it the end of all fun as we know it? Can I still be me? Is life over? Can I ever again enjoy an event without the joy of getting a little tipsy while enjoying a little tipple?

Well, it turns out that thanks to a revolution in the non-alcoholic drinks industry, yes you can. The market has transformed from a dusty old bottle of O’Douls to a plethora of non-alcoholic spirits, beers and wines. And for me, it was the ability to still lovingly prepare a Gin & Tonic that helped me still enjoy the delights of a party. The ritual of mixing London’s finest and favourite cocktail really helps me to still stand-up a decent happy hour in our kitchen and still feel like me, even now I’m an alcohol-free version of me.

My best advise is to invest in the holy trinity of a G&T: Good Gin, Good Tonic & Good Glassware. My chosen glasses here are Waterford Marquis whiskey glasses and my tonic water of choice is Fever Tree but Schweppes and Q Tonic are also very good. Always over-index on the squeeze of citrus.

Monday Gin & Tonic


  • Non-alcoholic gin such as Monday or Ritual
  • Quality tonic water like Fever Tree, Q or Schweppes
  • Huge amounts of ice, fill the glass
  • Generous squeeze of fresh lemon and/or lime
  • Crystal or fancy cocktail glass


  • Pour a shot of non-alcoholic gin over a full glass of ice
  • Top up with tonic water
  • Add in a squeeze of lemon and/or line
  • Surprise guests with this refreshing and delightful NA G&T!

1 thought on “monday, monday

  1. Thanks for this!! 😍

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