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Holly Whitaker, Quit Like a Woman
Quit Like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed with Alcohol
by Holly Whitaker

It’s important to me at this stage to credit the inspiration who finally got me over the edge and got me to quit drinking: Holly Whitaker, Quit Like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed with Alcohol.

I was ⅓ way through Quit Like a Woman when I quit drinking, the day after Super Bowl LV. I was the designated driver for this occasion, where we would head to friends who were playing the game. My hubby hubs wanted to watch the game, I wanted to watch the commercials and eat chips. Everyone’s a winner. We headed over and hung out. The ‘dad’ poured me a Costco pre-mixed margarita, super-sweet, super-boozy, super yummy. Josh and I had agreed I could have ONE. We had over three hours of sports before I would be driving us home so I drank it and enjoyed it and managed to keep to my ONE drink limit . I enjoyed the day and drove us all home safely later on that evening. However, that wasn’t for lack of trying. The ‘dad’ kept trying to get me to drink more margaritas. He knew that I would be driving my husband, two children and dog home in a few hours and yet kept pushing me to have another. Yikes. And yet of course he isn’t the first or last person to try and get a designated driver to drink more than they should. I’ve done it, you’ve done it, we’ve all done it and it’s part of the ‘culture obsessed with alcohol’ that Holly rages against in her book.

Thankfully, something about those sickly sweet, hangover-inducing pre-mixed margaritas was not tempting enough to risk it and I stood firm and switched to soda (plus chocolate brownies and the afore mentioned chips). That night, when at last I got tucked up in bed with Holly’s book and a cup of tea, I dived into her anecdotes and advice and finally started to pick up what she was putting down. I am thrilled to say that the next day I made a decision to never drink alcohol again… and to never question that decision.

You don’t know how much you need this book. It will save your life.

MELISSA HARTWIG URBAN, Whole30 co-founder & CEO

Today I am over 377 days without having a drink and 378 days of doing the daily morning ritual which I learned from Holly in her phenomenal book. (Read more in ritual) The extra nugget she offers is to keep up the morning routine no matter what, rain or shine, even if you’re away from home. I am convinced that it is this daily routine that is keeping me on track and simply remembering to not drink alcohol in a world where I am surrounded by alcohol and am exceptionally forgetful.

Hot Water & Lemon on the Road


  • Lemon juice (ideally, plan to pack lemons to bring with you when you travel. Sliced lemons in a ziplock as well as whole lemons depending on how long you are travelling for)
  • Hot water (hot water, and sometimes a slice of lemon, can generally be easily found for free at most catering and hospitality venues. Just ask politely)
  • Mug (again, ask for what you need or head into a seven-11 and pick up some paper cups)


  • Squeeze as much juice as you can possibly squeeze into your paper cup and top with the hottest water you can find.
  • Sit alone in a comfortable and peaceful place – or if you cannot find a space, then take a walk. Use headphones for your affirmations.
  • Sip your drink until it is finished, focusing on slow sips and deep breathing. Use this time to cleanse your body.
  • Try to really listen to your affirmations. Clear your mind of work worries and all that bollocks.
  • Drop and do twenty. I’ve done my twenty push ups in hotel rooms, in parking lots, outside the pit toilets of a campsite…. you get the drift.
  • Finish up and go find your first cup of coffee of the day. Hurray, you are done!
Lemon water 4 Eva