
I am a marketing executive based in San Diego, California. I work for a global advertising agency and consider myself sassy, classy and bad-assy. Born and raised in pubs in the North of England, I am British-American (if that is allowed to be a thing) and an ex-binge drinker. I have lived in San Diego since 2012 when the stars aligned and brought me to a job opportunity in America’s finest city. My husband Josh and I go waaay back to a summer fling when we were both at University, me in Bath and Josh in Santa Barbara. Fast forward eight years and we met again over margaritas. Love rekindled, we went all in with the dog, the ring, the baby, the marriage, the other baby etc etc.

Learning to be a good wife and mother is hard. I found it all very unsettling. Even more unsettling when you’ve got the mother of all hangovers. And ‘The Fear’ is starting to set in. With my alcohol tolerance reduced after having kids, my poor drinking behaviours and outcomes seemed to continue to mount up and there were few ‘drinking occasions’ that turned out worth all the trouble that they caused. I tried to moderate, cut back and set myself limits like a three drink maximum on a night out. But I broke them time and time again, and I just got bored of thinking about it and beating myself up. Easier in the end just to give up rather than trying to, and failing to, moderate. This blog serves as a journal of my journey to sobriety and beyond.