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a new day

I got a taste for booze early on in life and lived in a family and cultural environment where it wasn’t exactly encouraged, but it certainly wasn’t discouraged either. From my first ½ pints of lager & lime at The Crown pub, to my sweet sixteenth birthday chugging a whole bottle of Malibu behind Blackpool pier, booze was a big part of my life growing up and as I became a grown up.

Drinking was just what we did. We lived in a pub, we made the drinks, we served the drinks, we drank the drinks… frequently and with great vigor.

We were a fun family, except that there were plenty of tales where alcohol had negatively impacted our family history. A summer fête at school, a perfect day, ruined by booze. A graduation night ruined by booze. A wedding ruined by booze. A birthday ruined by booze. You get the drift. A pattern of over-drinking, or what we call ‘binge drinking’, the least classy way to consume alcohol! YUK. Us Brits aren’t sophisticated drinkers like the French, nope, we drink with the sole purpose of getting drunk and for many, the drunker the better.

But not anymore. Welcome to my new day. After twenty five years of binge drinking, I can safely say, hurrah, I am done. I have decided to never drink alcohol again and to never question that decision. So cheers to that!

St Regis Sparkling Brut (Non Alcoholic Wine)

champagne for a new day


  • de-alcoholized or non-alcoholic wine such as St Regis, a medium-bodied sparkler featuring fresh floral, fruity, and mineral notes
  • fancy glassware


  1. Order one of the many options of de-alcoholized (a fancy way to say non-alcoholic) sparkling wine.
  2. Chill well, including a final 8 mins in the freezer.
  3. Pour into fabulous champagne flutes such as these Waterford Marquis crystal ones here.
  4. Toast to yourself, wherever you are on your sober curious journey! 🥂

4 thoughts on “a new day

  1. Congratulations, this is a great post

    1. Thank you Claire. Appreciate the feedback! 😍

  2. I have been on the hunt for good alcohol free options! I will make sure to try this one out!

  3. Excellent work hun! I’m loving this

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