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Becoming a mother was something I always wanted, something I always presumed would happen to me. Amidst my boozy days in London, living the single life, dating and kissing a lot of frogs, I knew that one day I would meet my prince. And I did! I had to go all the way across the pond to find him, but find him I did. Or better put, I re-found him. My hubby and I had a summer fling when we were both in our early twenties, connecting over a wild student lifestyle filled with beer, shots, cigarettes, pool, dancing and drinking, drinking, drinking.

When we got pregnant with our daughter, and married shortly afterwards, we definitely tempered our drinking lifestyle by changing it into more of a home life than a social life. But we still enjoyed drinking (except for during my pregnancy, I’m not that reckless) and we would drink wine with meals, beers on weekend afternoons, and enjoy cocktail hour at our kitchen counter. We love music and play it loud, dancing in the kitchen. Our kids dance with us. And we actually always managed to moderate when at home. With kids to bathe, stories to read and shows to binge on, our home life is, and was, glorious.

Me and Mine

Drinking to make friends (oh dear)

But as a Mum, it was rare opportunities to socialize outside of the home that would catch me out. The old phrase “she doesn’t get out much” rang true for me, as I had turned inwards to my little family and our tiny house in San Diego. However, when there was a work event with a handy dandy open bar, or a grown-up birthday party at a friends house with lashings of red wine, that’s when I would get in trouble. I would be super excited to let off steam. Dying to let loose with my work pals. What’s more, I was keen to get uninhibited with my adult friends here in San Diego, with the hope of cracking through to the kind of friendship I was used to from my London days. Friendship built on adventures and misadventures, being asked by bartenders to “keep it down” due to the loud guffawing laughter of our group. I wanted my Mom or work friends and I to get that drunk so we could connect deeper. Deeper = oh dearer. I would often end up waaaaaay too drunk. Drunk enough to threaten the seniority of my stature at work. Or drunk enough to be off-putting to fellow Moms. And in the case of the grown-up birthday parties, sometimes my kids would be there to witness me getting Drunksie McDrunkerson. And that is NOT a good look.

Pushed (or tripped) into sobriety

In fact, the moment that put the nail into my drinking coffin was marked by my kids witnessing me drunk. Thankfully, it was a positive and celebratory tale that ended in a minor mishap and yet my daughter’s words gave me enough pause to push me into sobriety. The night began very joyfully, as I wrapped up a phone call with a recruiter for a major advertising agency, agreeing to accept a new, fabulous job. The recruiter’s parting comments to me were “time for the champagne.” Well, you don’t have to tell me twice. Our kids had been invited to play over at a neighbor’s house so I dropped them off and then continued walking to our local liquor store where I purchased not one but two bottles of good quality champs. Woop. My husband and I got out the flutes and enjoyed a couple of hours of kid-free celebrating. Music, laughter, chatter, excitement about my new job…

When it was time to get the kids, I headed to our neighbor’s house wearing some snuggly bed socks and my husband’s size 13 Birkenstock sandals. Why was I wearing this ridiculous attire? Well, because it was just across the little cul-de-sac and I was drunk on champagne. I flipped and flopped over there and was greeted by kids and my neighbor who had a friend over to visit. They themselves were enjoying a bottle of red wine and when they heard my news, grabbed an extra glass and an extra seat. I stayed there for another 2 glasses of wine before heading back home with my littles. My two kids and I happily waved goodbye and walked across the road to our house. I, however, was still wearing the slipper socks and size 13 Birkenstock’s and I tripped and scrapped my knee. When we got home, my eldest put a bandaid on my knee and I brushed their teeth and put them to bed. (My hubby hubs was passed out on the sofa after all the champagne. See what a match made in heaven we are!) The next day, hubs asked me why I had a bandaid on my knee and my daughter loudly and kinda proudly proclaimed that she had put the bandaid on Mummy’s knee because Mummy was drunk. 😱

To hear my daughter describe me as DRUNK was quite the eye-opener. She went on to admit that she doesn’t like it when Mummy is drunk because I don’t listen to her. I asked her if she would like it if I didn’t drink anymore and she said “YES”.

And that, as they say, was that.

Thankfully, I was a third of a ways through Holly Whitaker’s Quit Like a Woman when all this happened. This was the clarifying moment that I needed. That was 448 days ago.

Sober Mummy = Better Mummy

Since quitting alcohol, I have become a much more centered and present mother for my children and I hope my daughter will agree that I am a better listener now that I am alcohol free. With my daily meditation that I carry out ritualistically every morning, I not only include affirmations about living alcohol-free, but also about becoming a warmer, kinder mother. I am committed to becoming a stronger version of myself in every possible way but my sobriety and my mothering take the priority. I use my morning ritual to affirm this commitment every single day.

And as I live this fabulous sober furious life, and focus on becoming a better mother, I often turn to the mother of all non-alcoholic beers to help me get through. This particular drink deserves multiple posts as it is so revered in the NA spheres. And it is local to San Diego!! Athletic Brewing Co. is a non-alcoholic beer company dedicated to making great-tasting craft brews, without compromise. They have a wide range of NA brews, many of which are multi-award winning. They are growing fast and were named one of Time100 Most Influential Companies 2022. They have a monthly beer club, sexy merchandize and a delicious IPA, Hazy and Golden that you’ll be proud to sup.

The Mother of all Non-Alcoholic Beers



  • Chill beer well, finishing for 5 minutes in the freezer if desired.
  • Pour into pint glass as you would any beer, by using a 45° angle. Watch this video if you need a demo.

Drink this delightfully refreshing brew and live your best alcohol-free life. Stay furiously sober!

3 thoughts on “mother

  1. I’m struggling so bad

    I hate myself for keeping on drinking

    1. Oh sweetheart. I’ve been there. Take today as your day 1. Use your sadness to power you into greatness. I’m here for you. Message me for friendship and support:

  2. Nothing is more effective than a children’s disappointed eyes and accidental guilt-trip. Beautiful job Rach, you are an incredible, commited, present mother and role model for your babes and they are so lucky to have you.

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